All Universities Offer Admission to Students Through an Examination 2023

All Universities Offer Admission to Students Through an Examination 2023. University Grants Commission Chairman (Additional Charge) Professor Dil Afroza Begum has proposed admission of students to all public universities in the country through a single examination.

All Universities Offer Admission to Students Through an Examination 2022

He made this proposal in his speech as a special guest at the conference on accreditation in higher education and the inauguration of the accreditation process at the International Mother Language Institute auditorium in the capital on Wednesday (July 20).

Professor Dil Afroza Begum said we can take a common exam for university admission. We will select students through this test. They will get admission to universities according to their merit. The same process can be followed in the recruitment of teachers. For that, we can form a National Testing Agency. They will take this test.

আমেরিকান ডিভি লটারিতে ১৮-৪০ বছর বয়সীদের জন্য

২০২২/২৩ এ বাংলাদেশ থেকে আবেদন শুরু হয়েছে!

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He said that the guidelines for determining the minimum qualifications for the appointment of teachers in the public universities and the guidelines for the promotion have been approved by the government and it has been sent to all the public universities. In the light of the said guidelines, respective universities will prepare MPQ for teachers.

২০২২ সালের সকল চাকরির পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নের সম্পূর্ণ সমাধান দেখুন এখানে

সরকারী অর্থায়নে ফ্রি কম্পিউটার আইটি কোর্স করুন ,

কোর্স শেষে পাবেন সার্টিফিকেট ও ১০,০০০ টাকা বৃত্তি।

আবেদন লিঙ্কঃ আবেদন করুন

The UGC Chairman said, “The Policy regarding the Qualification and Experiences of the Teacher Recruitment and Promotion of Private Universities” has been formulated by the University Grants Commission to maintain standards in teacher recruitment of private universities and it has been sent to all private universities. Contractual teacher recruitment policies have already been formulated to provide recruitment of experienced teachers in public universities. On the other hand, DPP has been formulated and sent to the Ministry of Education with the aim of establishing a University Teachers Training Academy to enhance the skills of junior teachers.

He also said that the “Public University Teaching Load Calculation Policy-2023 (Draft)” prepared by the Bangladesh University Grants Commission is in its final stage to determine the rational number of university teachers. The work of formulating modern policies for the appointment and promotion of officers and employees of public universities is in the final stage. Central Research Laboratory and
National Research Council’s project proposal has been sent to the Ministry of Education by the Bangladesh University Grants Commission.

এ সপ্তাহের ভাইরাল সেরা নিউজ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন।
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