BAEC Job Circular 2023

BAEC Job Circular 2023. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Job Circular 2023 has been published today by its authority website BAEC Job Circular 2023, Atomic Energy Commission Job Circular 2023,, Job circular of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission 2023. Then the BAEC online application form will be open. Now fill up the BAEC Application Form carefully. Please note that all personal information should be like your academic certificates and National ID cards. Then submit your Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission job application online.

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Job Circular 2023 –

In the current situation in Bangladesh government jobs is a very qualified and popular profession for people. Because we know that any permanent government profession is a great opportunity for everyone. So you can maintain all of the procedures properly and prepare for the next step as a writing exam. If you want to get all categories latest government jobs circular news at the right time such as government job news, private or organization job news, BAERA Job Circular 2023, bank exam and job news, international job news, public exam result, career development resource, etc to visit our website regularly.

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission BAEC Job Circular 2023

Are you looking for a job online? BAEC Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission BAEC has published a new job circular on various categories of posts. BAEC job like education qualification, Age limit, Application form, and update on my website. If you also want to get a job keep seeing the image & reading below. Hot news perfect Time published Update govt job Circular & last date See inside details. If you also want to get a job keep reading below.
We provide different types of job information with also provide some effective information or resource and job tips which helps to get the job easily.

Short Summary of BAEC Job Summary:

  • Company Name: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
  • Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh.
  • Published On: 27 April 2023
  • Total Vacancies: 16
  • Jobs Category: Government Jobs
  • Gender: Both males and females can apply.
  • Salary: As per the government pay scale.
  • Application Last Date: 16 April 2023
  • BAEC website:
  • Job Source: Online Jobs Portal.

See the BAEC Job Circular Image below.

BAEC Job Circular 2023

Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Job Requirements:

  1. Applicants’ age limit is 30 years as of 15 July 2023
  2. A voter ID Card has to attach to the application
  3. Citizenship certificate from the chairman, commissioner, etc.
  4. 8 taka dak ticket have to pest on the envelope
  5. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission vacant post:
  6. Medical Technologist (Physio)
  7. Research Officer, Medical Officer
  8. OT Attendant, Stretcher Bearer
  9. Lab Technician, Please read the NINS circular for details
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